“Another Tear Must Fall” by The Seashells in “Sous La Neige”

“Sous La Neige” (Under the Snow) (2012) is a poignant short film directed and written by Aurélien Héraud, running for 22 minutes. Set in a snow-covered city, the film explores the quiet, melancholic life of a young boy named Paul, who lives alone with his mother after his father leaves them. The story delves into Paul’s mysterious and unusual relationship with an elderly foreign man who lives nearby, adding layers of intrigue and emotional depth to the narrative. The film is beautifully complemented by Mathieu Goudot’s haunting score, Thomas Walser’s evocative cinematography, and the meticulous production design by Jean-Pierre Clech. Edited by Boubkar Benzabat and Héraud himself, “Under the Snow” weaves a tale of solitude, connection, and the unspoken emotions that lie beneath the surface of everyday life.

Author: lovelane